Employee branding...
A large utility group needed to amalgamate their HR departments into one
central location. To support this move, they needed a campaign to drive
awareness to both field and office based staff.
A series of communication vehicles incorporating the HR service brand were
developed to raise awareness throughout the business
Utilising new technology...
brickworks helps companies to identify new techniques and technology, which reduces
wastage, time and costs.
From tender response systems, to web-to-print technology, we strive to use
the latest, systems, software and processes.
Communicating EMS
to employees...
Energy Management Systems
are not the easiest things to communicate to staff in the workplace. brickworks
developed a series of visual messages, to convey issues, such as waste,
noise etc. These key messages were later developed into a training room.
Understanding the
legal process...
brickworks developed the corporate style for all publications produced by Law Society
Publishing. Understanding the writing process, enabled us to create
templates and illustration styles to deal with
any legal topic.